The Tragic Life Story of The Four-Legged Woman

Myrtle Corbin was called a monster by some but her life was a story of kindness and warmth.

Lessons from History
4 min readJul 22, 2021


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The mysteries of mother nature are impossible to understand. It gifts and curses according to its own whims and desires, and puny humans have no say in its matters.

We are thrown, at random, into a body at birth, that we have to live out our days in. It is neither fair nor justifiable that one person is born with a perfect genetic composition into a rich family, while someone else is born with multiple hereditary diseases into a poor family. That, however, is life, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

We only need to look at our own myths and legends to see, how unusual people are treated by society. Take a look at Greek Mythology. Hephaestus was left to die by Hera because he was deformed and did not fit into her image of a “perfect family”. The story of Myrtle is similar to the story of Hephaestus in this aspect.

A Miracle of Nature

Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born in Tennessee on 12th May 1868. There were complications in her birth since she was born via a “breech presentation”. Breech presentation is the phenomenon in which a child is born feet first instead of head first.



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.