The Tragic Story of the Baby Left to Die on a Swing by a Careless Couple

The story of Sterling Koehn

Lioness Rue
Lessons from History


Zachary Koehn and Cheyanne Harris —Image from

In August 2017, a heartless couple, Zachary Koehn and Cheyanne Harris, left their baby to die a slow, agonizing, and painful death all alone. In a dark room, the couple neglected their four-month-old baby, Sterling Koehn, with his mechanical swing facing the wall until he died.

No one changed the baby’s diaper, and he went without any food or water for an estimate of nine and fourteen days until he died. The baby had developed a diaper rash that devoured through his skin and allowed E. coli from his feces to enter his bloodstream. Flies also laid eggs in the baby's diaper resulting in maggots crawling in his diaper for days.

A History of USING DRUGS as a Couple

At the age of seventeen, Koehn started using methamphetamines to stay awake. He worked as a truck driver for long hours. Around that period, Koehn got married to a woman named Sherry, and the couple had a son together. When the couple divorced, Koehn’s parents took custody of the son.

Around 2014, Koehn met Cheyanne Harris. The two had a daughter a year later, on November 15th, 2015. By 2016, Koehn had influenced Harris into using meth despite being pregnant with their second baby. Harris…

