The Tragic Story Of The Tiger That Killed More Than 400 People

Champawat Tiger killed around 436 people in India and Nepal before her tragic ending in 1907.

Lessons from History
4 min readFeb 19, 2021


Photo Credits: SCMP

While our encounters with tigers today are mostly restricted to the confines of a zoo or safari, this was not the case in India of the 20th century, where tigers often roamed as they pleased, slaying whomsoever crossed their path. After all, it wasn’t just a chance occurrence that pitted Sher Khan as The Jungle Book’s villain.

Statistically, tigers were responsible for an average of 1,000 annual deaths during the latter period of the 20th century, with there being a five-year streak where their victim body count rose to a cumulative 7,000. In comparison, the so-perceived deadly sharks only claim about five victims a year.

It’s no surprise, then, that these big cats sent chills of fear and terror throughout the land, but there was one that stood out from the rest: the Champawat Tiger.

A Relentless Murderer

Hailing from Nepal, the ferocious Champawat Tiger marked her domination from the early year of 1903, from whereon she went on a 200 people killing spree before being driven out of the country and into India. Once there, her thirst did not satiate, and she went on to…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.