The Visual Evolution of the Devil Throughout The Ages

God’s rival has gone by many different names and even more faces over the years

Mariana Vargas
Lessons from History


The Devil depicted as a blue angel in a Ravenna Mosaic from 6th century
The Devil depicted as a blue angel in a Ravenna Mosaic from 6th century

The famous Biblical character goes by many different names and even more faces over the years.

If I asked you to describe it, I wouldn’t be surprised if you depicted him with red skin, a forked tail, and two horns. But why is that? In fact, this description doesn’t come from the Bible: what is said about him in the sacred book is actually very vague.

In the Jewish Bible, the devil is just a rebel subordinate of God. The concept of the fallen angel is an allegory for men’s malicious tendencies. This character was then developed by Christians until it became a representation of ultimate evil.

Christian doctrine says that Satan assumed the shape of a serpent to tempt Eve in Eden’s Garden. However, there is no mention of the Devil throughout the Book of Genesis. The serpent as an incarnation of Satan is only a possible interpretation of the story.

It is also believed that Satan was originally an angel, who ended up being expelled from heaven after defying God’s authority. However, the fallen angel concept originated from Isaiah 14:12 that only reads “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou



Mariana Vargas
Lessons from History

UX Engineer | Singer-songwriter | Underground Influencer | Enthusiast of the Bizarre