The Young Hitler Fan Who Poisoned His Friends and Family

This quiet English boy was a mad scientist in disguise

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


Graham Young — the Teacup Poisoner, video screenshot | Image by Capital on YouTube

Children have different fascinations. In post-war England, Graham Young adored Hitler. And he loved to play with poisons. This little fellow spent more time with his chemistry set than people.

By the age of 14, he already killed his stepmother and endangered other family members. When they put him in a psychiatric hospital, he didn’t quit. Why stop following your passion just because they locked you up?

After years of treatment, they said he was cured. But he was far from it. This is his story.

A Tough Childhood of a Weird Little Boy

All evil characters have an unhappy youth. Graham was no exception. He was born in Neasden, North London on September 7, 1947. When he was only 14 weeks old, his mother Bessie died of tuberculosis.

Graham’s father Frederick didn’t know how to deal with the loss, so he sent his baby boy to live with his aunt Winnie for a while. Some two years to be exact. Enough for the baby boy to get attached to a new mother figure.

The grieving dad also sent his older daughter Winifred to live with their grandparents.



Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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