Things I learned from a man who rose from depression- Robert Clive

Robert Clive rose from a simple English clerk rose to a military general in India while battling depression and challenges.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Robert Clive: Source-Wikipedia

An English clerk placed a gun on his forehead. He pulled the trigger. Click Click Click and nothing happened.

The clerk threw the pistol to the floor and realized what a fool he was. This depressed clerk will go on to help Britain built her biggest colonial empire ever. He fought against depression, humiliation, defeat but still rose from a cadre to the head of East India Company.

His name is Robert Clive. Sometimes called the Napoleon of Britain

Take the least path traveled:

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Robert Clive was born in Britain on 26th September 1725. Robert Clive’s father used his influence, got his son the position of clerk for the English East India company.

The East India Company (EIC) set up its trading post in Madras (modern-day Chennai) and was looking for a potential employee. Travel to India from Britain was a dangerous trip…

