This Book Banned From the Bible Tells a Completely Different Story

This ancient text, excluded from the Bible, reveals a narrative that challenges our understanding of human origins, divine intervention, and the giants who once roamed the Earth.

The Time Traveler
Lessons from History


Human history, as taught in schools, follows a timeline from the dawn of mankind, through the agricultural revolution, to modern civilization.

This narrative, however, might not cover the full story. The Book of Enoch, an ancient text discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls, offers a different perspective on humanity’s past.

Written centuries ago, it was excluded from the Bible and tells of celestial beings called Watchers descending to Earth, their interactions with humans, and the resulting offspring known as the Nephilim. This text challenges conventional views, suggesting a history intertwined with divine intervention and giants.

Start of the Ethiopic Enoch in a 16th-century manuscript. | Source: Wikipedia

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The Time Traveler
Lessons from History

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