This Grand Canyon Discovery Terrifies The World

4000-year-old figurines and gaps in rocks could reveal a billion years of Earth’s missing history.

The Time Traveler
Lessons from History


Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

The Grand Canyon is often celebrated for its stunning views and unique geological features. However recent research has shown that it is more than just a tourist attraction. The discoveries made by scientists and researchers question our knowledge of the history of the Earth and its significant consequences for the future.

These discoveries include footprints of ancient animals, indicating prehistoric life on earth, to contemporary issues like the dangers of uranium mining to the environment and human beings. These shocking discoveries at the Grand Canyon have not only intrigued but also terrified the world.

Fossil Footprints and Ancient Figurines

One of the most striking discoveries at the Grand Canyon involves fossil footprints found embedded in rock, dating back 33 million years. These fossils were discovered accidentally when a part of the wall of the canyon collapsed and the secrets of the Earth kept for millions of years were finally disclosed.



The Time Traveler
Lessons from History

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