The Twisted Pleasure Palace of Roman Emperor Tiberius

Tiberius indulged in orgies, pederasty, and pornography

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Realistic recreation of an ancient sculpture of Roman Emperor Tiberius by Haroun Binous (Image:

Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD) was the second Roman Emperor. After a decade in power, he grew reluctant of Rome and its political intrigues. He left Rome for Vila of Jupiter, a luxurious Imperial mansion on the Italian island of Capri.

There, inside of the Imperial villa, he showed no moral restraints and his true nature came out.

Tiberius was the most perverted Roman Emperor.

Tiberius — The pedophilic Emperor

Artistic reconstruction of Tiberius’s Villa of Jupiter on Capri (Image: Juusu)

Capri is an island in the southern part of Italy. Today, Capri is a popular tourist destination. In Roman times, the island was a holiday retreat for the rich Romans.

It was on Capri, where Tiberius’s sadistic nature revealed itself. From torture and rape to pedophilia and orgies, Tiberius indulged in all of them.

He took newborn babies away from their mothers and hold them to his genitalia. Tiberius hoped they would suck on his penis as they had on their mothers’ breasts.

