Titled “Ugliest Lady On the Planet”, This ‘Ape Woman’ Was Buried 150 Years After Her Death

Tragic exploitation story of Julia Pastrana — the “Monster to the Whole World.”

Lessons from History


Photo source: WikiMedia Commons

Julia Pastrana was popularized as an orangutan-human hybrid, billing the ugliest lady’ on the planet. She owned two congenital disorders, hair all over and overgrown gums which gave an illusion of a second teeth set.

Victorian people called this 19th-Century show performer the “Ape woman,” “semi-human being,” “a baboon woman,” and what not?

The lady was not a beast but, according to spectators, a docile and intelligent lady. Her travel across North America and Europe was reasonably popular, where her performance sold halls.

This popularity didn’t do her much good because she simply led a lonely and sad life. Despite getting immensely popular, falling in love and finally getting married, the women lived a solitary, lonely life.

Let’s dig into the highlights of her short-lived life — a sad, tragic story.

The Confusing Origins Of Julia Pastrana, ‘A Baboon Woman’

Like any of the sideshow performers, Julia Pastrana’s story is full of exploitation, where sideshows had little to…



Lessons from History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: info@youdecode.com