Was Christopher Columbus The First To Find America?

Every year America celebrates ‘Columbus Day’ to mark the anniversary of the Spanish-led expedition. However, there is substantial evidence that Columbus was not the first person to discover America.

History Now
Lessons from History


L. Prang & Co., Boston, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

While there is uncertainty about who discovered America, the history of America itself goes back to the time before Columbus even existed. It is popularly believed that a group of Norse Icelandic explorers led by Leif Erikson were the ones who had initially discovered America 500 years before Columbus did.

Common Beliefs about The Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus. Sebastiano del Piombo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In the present day, if you go outside and ask this question to anyone on the street, you will most likely hear one immediate response with complete certainty. This is because our educational institutes have always followed the teachings that Christopher Columbus is America’s true founder, hence why America celebrates Columbus Day as a national holiday.



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Lessons from History

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