We FINALLY Know Who Built the Stonehenge

As the sun sets behind this ancient monument, one questions history’s most enduring mysteries: Who were the masterminds behind the creation of Stonehenge?

The Mystery Digger
Lessons from History


Photo by Ankit Sood on Unsplash

In the heart of England’s mysterious Salisbury Plain stands a marvel that has captured the imagination of countless generations — the magnificent Stonehenge. Its colossal stones, meticulously arranged in a timeless puzzle, have withstood the test of time and left us with more questions than answers.

A Portal to the Past

Stonehenge, located on the vast Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the world’s most renowned prehistoric monuments. This enigmatic structure comprises a circular arrangement of massive standing stones, known as sarsens, that weigh up to 25 tons each, and smaller bluestones brought from the Preseli Hills in Wales, some 150 miles away.

The monument’s construction is estimated to date back to approximately 2500 BCE during the late Neolithic period, making it over 4,000 years old.

