What Does The British Royal Family Actually Do?

10 fascinating duties a royal family performs for the world.

Lessons from History



Royals do not only enjoy the title but also work. Apart from living in extravagant palaces, they glorify their heritage by performing royal duties.

The family of Queen Elizabeth II is a busy one, shouldering several responsibilities. Ever since the queen has been crowned, she has taken a keen interest in her tasks, performing them with due diligence daily.

Excelling in several duties and performing them tirelessly for decades, Queen has consistently outperformed. But throughout the time, she needed the assistance of other high-ranking royal family members to share the responsibility.

The royal grandchildren maintained their careers and jobs while performing the royal duties for full time simultaneously — Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie both own a job outside the royal family.

So, it is not only the queen who manages the workload; instead, her entire family wears different roles — from her children to grandchildren. They are supposed to conduct different abroad tours and attend various events.

Let’s dive into the details of such a list:

1. The Queen approves all legislation



Lessons from History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: info@youdecode.com