What is the Red Hand of Ulster?

The symbol of the Northern Irish province has an interesting history.

Nick Howard
Lessons from History


The Red Hand of Ulster/Wikipedia.org

The Red Hand of Ulster is the symbol of the province of Ulster in Northern Ireland. It is also known as the Ui Neill and is the heraldic symbol of the O’Neil family. Today it can be found on many banners in Ulster.

The origin of the red hand has several stories. There are a few stories that go back to ancient Celtic roots. A lord placed his bloody hand on a banner before or after a battle. There are also theories that the symbol may have been brought with Phoenician traders centuries ago.

One of the most popular origin stories goes back to a legend of Ulster. It was said that the first man to lay his hand on the land would be able to lay claim to the province. As several warriors in ships approached the island, one of the men made a drastic move.

He cut off his hand and threw it over his comrades. The severed hand landed on the shore, and the warrior became the lord of Ulster. The story goes that the legendary figure was a member of the Ui Neill Clan (possibly the hero Niell of the Nine Hostages).

Red Hand has been a nickname for several Irish rulers and figures over the centuries. The red hand symbolized being a great warrior, as their hands were red with the blood of…



Nick Howard
Lessons from History

I am an educator and a writer. I write about sports, movies, comics, history, professional wrestling, food, music.