What Was Life Like in the Golden Age of Ancient Rome?

How Ancient Rome’s golden ages transformed daily life for Its citizens.

Lessons from History
5 min readAug 29, 2022


Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)

What comes to mind when considering the phrase “Golden Age”? Grand architecture, mass urbanization, and abundant citizens’ opportunities were all part of the Pax Romana, also known as the Roman Peace.

In a unique period in history, beginning from 27 BC, Rome remained comparatively free from conflict, consequently allowing for the Golden Ages’ explosion. An era filled with unprecedented progress began, transfiguring and revolutionizing daily life for everyday citizens in ways previously considered unimaginable!

“I Found Rome a City of Bricks and Left it a City of Marble” — Augustus

Emperor Augustus was incredibly proud, as can be seen through this boisterous declaration, of redesigning the city of Rome. For once, the empire was not heavily occupied with concerns of war, so the focus could be redirected towards city building and urbanization, along with creating some extraordinary monuments we still marvel over today.

The Colosseum and Pantheon would take someone’s breath away to this day, but mammoth feats of engineering such as the Aqueduct of Segovia cannot be ignored. These structures…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.