What Will Happen When Queen Elizabeth II Dies?

Ten fascinating events that will occur after the Queen’s passing.

Lessons from History
6 min readDec 19, 2020


Photo Credits: Reader’s Digest

The Queen has graced the royal throne with her presence since 1952, the longest reign any British monarch has ever had. She has seen over a dozen UK prime ministers, around 20 summer Olympics, and more than half a dozen popes during her reign. She is the cornerstone of the commonwealth, the caretaker of roughly 600 organizations and charities.

Her death will bring about a massive change in the UK, the waves of which will be felt by the entire world since her long reign means that a lot of political treaties and balances hang on her word. It is such an important event that it has been given a special codename, Operation London Bridge, to control how the days and weeks after the Queen’s passing will fold out.

What Operation London Bridge is all about?

As claimed by the research conducted by The Guardian, when the news reaches the Queen’s private secretary (Edward Young), he will call the prime minister and relay the sad news, by using the code words,

“London Bridge is down”

News will then be relayed to the heads of states of the 15 governments where the Queen’s monarchy extends, the 36…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.