Who Developed The First Concentration Camp

Spanish colonialists started the first concentration camp in Cuba.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Cuban citizens killed. Source-http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/1898/cuban-cemetery.jpg

It was a government-run facility where people were rounded up and put in deteriorating conditions.

The people in the facility faced forced labor, malnutrition, and starvation. These are people deemed by the government as people of low status and a burden to the country.

It’s not the Nazi concentration camp during World War II. It is the Cuban concentration camp that started centuries before the Nazi holocaust camps.

Spainish Colonization:

The call for Cuba's independence. Source-https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Independencia_de_Cuba%2C_revista_la_flaca%2C_1873..jpg

Spain was a colonial power for most of its modern history. The idea of colonialism was to subjugate the local population with its military might.

The subjugated county becomes a colony, and Spain would plunder the country of its natural resources and strip the country of its wealth. Spain occupied most of South America, extracted large quantities of natural minerals, and shifted them to Spain.

Spain emphasized that it has conquered these counties to spread religion. Still, it was a fake reason…

