Who Really Killed the Goebbels Children

The Horrors of the Third Reich

Rabinder Kumar
Lessons from History


Goebbels and his children saluting Hitler
Photo: Wagner/German Federal Archives / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

The brutal murder of the 6 children of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels remained a conundrum. Until the 1950s, the doctor confessed to having been a henchman, but judges didn’t punish and set him free.

There were 5 daughters and one son born to Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.

  • 12-year-old Helga, who has dark hair and the eyes of her father
  • Hilde, 11 years old, was a brunette; anyone looking at her quickly realizes that she is about to blossom into a true beauty.
  • Helmut, a Nine-year-old boy
  • Holde, eight-year-old
  • Helda. six-year-old
  • The youngest girl, Heide, four-year-old

The First letter of each child's name summons the name of Furher. (Stands H for Hitler)

Hitler’s Bunker | Reich Chancellory | April 1945

Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, his wife, Magda, and  their 3 children
Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.

Berlin, at the end of April 1945, the Russian army marched in Berlin, and Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, and his wife, Magda, gathered their 6 children…



Rabinder Kumar
Lessons from History

Like a Norse God | I write about intriguing robust topics. For freelance gigs: rabinderkumarr@gmail.com