The Worst Traffic Jam Of World War II

The traffic jam created due to the German army in the Ardennes region was 250 km long. If the Allied forces had detected it, World War II could have been different.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Ardennes Offensive.Source-

It was 1940 on the French Belgium border. The German troops have assembled the largest mechanized force the world had seen.

The plan to cross into France through the Ardennes region was a brilliant idea. Still, from a logistics point of view, it was a disaster.

It created a 250 km long traffic built up in the area, and luckily the French and British didn’t notice it. If the traffic jam were known, the course of World War II would have been different.

Start Of World War II:

German army during Poland's invasion.Source-Wikipedia

After World War I, as per the Versailles Treaty, Germany was forced to accept a massive military restriction.

The humiliation of the Versailles treaty and the great economic depression kindled the rise of Germany’s far-right groups. When the National Socialist Party or Nazi Party came to power, its leader Adolf Hilter ignored the…

