You Can Walk Across This Island In A Day, And It Has Six Massive Megalithic Temples

This small nation might be the most resourceful in the world

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


Ggantija Temple Complex — By FritzPhotography Via Wikimedia Commons

Tape doesn’t excite people. Well, except for a friend of mine who spent some time in the army. He beams about this special tape the military uses called “100 mph tape.”

According to him, comparing your generic office tape to this is like comparing Luciano Pavarotti to your average sloshed coworker singing at karaoke night.

The weatherproof, extremely adhesive tape could do just about anything. Some even joke that it can hold the universe together.

My friend has seen it keep broken pieces on trucks, rumor says it can hold shattered rotors together on helicopters, plus NASA used their version of the tape to make an emergency carbon dioxide scrubber on Apollo 13.

It takes resourcefulness to extremes, and it got me thinking. If 100mph tape were a nation, which would it be? Personally, I’d put my money on Malta.

More recently in 1565, the religious order living there held off an Ottoman army of 40,000 with a garrison of only 6,000 knights. But that’s nothing. Malta’s ancient history makes this look like child’s play.

