Young Nikola Tesla Boosted His Memory and Critical Thinking With 4 Simple Exercises

He stimulated his imagination every day

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


How Nikola Tesla boosted his memory and critical thinking
Nikola Tesla (cca. 1890) | Image by Wikimedia Commons, altered by the author

Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 — 7 January 1943) was a great inventor and a visionary. He gave us electricity, a fluorescent light bulb, a remote control, the first X-ray image, an induction motor, and the Tesla turbine for renewable sources of energy. He also predicted mobile phones, Wi-Fi, an MRI camera, and self-driving cars.

But the man who determined the course of the 20th century grew up as a shy boy with little self-esteem. Still, an incident from his childhood indicated he had a lot to give.

One day when he was a boy, local representatives from Smiljan (a village in today’s Croatia) were walking down the road when they saw a group of children playing. Among them was little Nikola. The oldest of the gentlemen approached the boys to give a silver coin to each. When he came to young Tesla, he suddenly stopped and said:

“Look me in the eye.”

The fragile boy raised his eyes and held out his hand to get the coin but the man let him down:

“No, you can’t get anything from me. You’re too smart.”

A few decades later the boy proved him right. He became the scientist who changed everyone’s life…



Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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