6 Movies for the Holiday Season

Natalia Costa
Lessons from Movies
3 min readDec 14, 2022


We cuddle on the sofa, with a cup of warm delicious tea in our hands, the fragrance of the ginger cinnamon biscuits caresses our noses, and we’re getting ready to watch a Christmas film.

Christmas movies are generally lighthearted, funny, and with a happy ending! At least, that’s how I like them! They are in perfect unison with the holiday reminding us of the values we hold dearly and of that something bigger than life that transcends us all: magic!

Here are 6 suggestions for you to watch (or rewatch) this Christmas:

Love Actually

This is one of my favorites. I love the characters and the stories and how in the end each story is intertwined, because — like in life — we are all connected.

Love Actually brings us a set of characters, each one crossing its own drama, and a set of situations, each one funnier than the other, that spark up our holiday season like no other.

A great movie to come back to each holiday season!

Sleepless in Seattle

Another of my all-time favorites (but then again, this list is filled with them) is Sleepless in Seattle.

Even though this one isn’t entirely placed during Christmas, I can’t help but think about this movie when I’m considering…



Natalia Costa
Lessons from Movies

Human being 🐒 Engineer by day, Poet by night ☯️ Writing about emotional intelligence A.K.A. applied quantum physics. www.bynataliacosta.com