6 Movies for Valentine’s Day

Natalia Costa
Lessons from Movies
8 min readFeb 9, 2022


How love makes us want to be better people. Get inspired!

Picture by Deborah Ferrari Style

Have you ever noticed how love makes us want to be better people? It inspires the best in us! Any form of love does that, but it is particularly evident when it comes to the so-called romantic love. Relationships have the capacity to bring out our very best raising us into higher realms of existence.

Being in love gives us an unprecedented feeling of being infinite, of being invincible, of being in an absolute state of joy. We feel powerful beyond measure and everything just seems to be lighter and funnier. All those little things that used to annoy us, suddenly just amuse us and we accept them as being part of this wonderful existence. It’s like we have a happy song constantly playing in our heads. How awesome is that?

Often being in love is taken as being in love with someone, but it can (and it should) be about being in love with ourselves and being in love with life. It all starts with being in love with ourselves, for the moment we decide to start a romance with ourselves, we are in love forever!

Cinema has always inspired the human being to raise awareness and vibration, to shine to the highest human potential. Any time is good to watch one (or several) of these movies, but this Valentine’s Day make sure you select something that truly uplifts you and



Natalia Costa
Lessons from Movies

Human being 🐒 Engineer by day, Poet by night ☯️ Writing about emotional intelligence A.K.A. applied quantum physics. www.bynataliacosta.com