In what ways are you more like your father or your mother?

Questions asked and answered for my daughters

Shaun Holloway
Lessons from Ordinary
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Mom and Dad, 2007.

I have qualities from both mom and dad, inside and out, but if there is a more dominant parent I am most like, it is my dad… in looks, as well as emotional and personality traits.

I think many people, especially my mom, would agree that I am most like him; in fact, I have heard it more than once, “You’re just like your father!”

This question makes me think a little bit deeper than the surface reaction, so here we go.

How I am like my mom

Here are just a few attributes that show how I am like my mom:

  • I think I get my grit and toughness from mom. She is relentless when it comes to getting things done, on-time, and right… with no excuses. She works hard and leads by example.
  • Resourcefulness and always protect those you love over others, no matter who they are or where they come from. Those are certainly strengths that have worked their way into who I am.
  • From mom over time, I have learned to appreciate the smaller things in life, be grounded, and pass on experiences for others to benefit. Take things a little slower, plan ahead, and don’t worry too much about what you can’t control… it will work out like it is supposed to.

How I am like my dad

Here are just a few attributes that show how I am most like my dad:

  • I look a lot like dad. Those in the family, like my uncle, see him in me instantly when they look at me. The way my body is framed, the shape of my head, and probably what I wear, all contribute to the style of me looking like dad. And now that I am passed 40 years old and losing color, the gray hair is going to be similar too!
  • I talk to mom and hang out with her in a more talkative fashion, because I am more like dad. It feels like mom and I tend to complement each other more; whereas, when dad and I are together, we have more silent communication and a non-verbal understanding… we are too alike. We need a complement to help bring balance to the Force.
  • I think I tend to be stubborn and get frustrated quickly, a.k.a. lack of patience for the ridiculous. Our tolerance threshold for that kind of stuff is really low.
  • I analyze thoroughly and need time to think and process something that just happened or a decision that needs made, just like I observe dad doing. For example, I saw this play out in college when he visited me, and we toured the recreation center. He watched people climbing the rock wall, the paths they took, where they stepped, etc. When it was his turn, he zipped right to the top without stopping!

Your Turn

Now, onto the next pressing question… who are you most like? Do you see yourself more like your dad or pappy? Or like your mom or grammy?

It is much easier to identify the physical traits of who you are more alike, but take a few moments and understand personality traits. Doing so will help you appreciate and manage relationships to have a healthy and strong family foundation.

Karlii, Grammy, Pappy, and Kiiera in October 2017



Shaun Holloway
Lessons from Ordinary

Lessons from Ordinary. Business and life learning from everyday objects and common questions.