Who is someone that you would like to go back and thank again?

Questions asked and answered for my daughters

Shaun Holloway
Lessons from Ordinary
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Me and Dr. Dyer, 2003.

This is another tough question, because so many people have made a difference in my career path and life journey, but there is one person that helped shape my career by taking a chance on me and helping me figure it out that I would like to thank again… Dr. Barbara Dyer.

Dr. Dyer was a professor at Ohio University, and during graduate school, I was not sure where to take my more dedicated study. So, she took me under her wing and crafted an independent study course that would serve as my “major” for my MBA degree.

What she helped me put together was a path that wasn’t even thought of as a full-time gig in industry, even though now it is mainstream… web marketing and development. Marketing combined with IT.

New Study Leads to New Career and Path

It’s hard to believe that back in 2002 internet marketing, sales, and pushing tech development would branch out into so many types of fields.

Dr. Dyer gave me the opportunity to work on new websites, encourage me to think about design, usability, research and benchmarking, and steer me on a path that continues to be my strongest career attribute… living at the center of technology, marketing, and service in speaking and leading both divisions.

I am often referred to as the “marketing guy in IT” and “the IT guy in marketing” at the same time (and occasionally by the same people).

I take it as a complement, and either way is correct.

Over the course of my degree program, she gave me insight and opportunity to study the art of sales and overlay that with digital trends; she trusted me with her own research work; and she allowed me to shadow her in professional settings.

Create Chances

Everyone needs someone to give them a chance and push them in areas that meet their passion but are unclear how to go there on their own. Figuring out what you want to do in life isn’t easy or quick, but there are people who will help you along your path.

Thank you Dr. Dyer for helping me define my career path (especially since it did not exist at the time) and allow me to find jobs where I don’t feel like I’m working everyday.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help others and set me up to pay it forward.



Shaun Holloway
Lessons from Ordinary

Lessons from Ordinary. Business and life learning from everyday objects and common questions. http://www.srholloway.com