The Oscar’s Effect

How one Night Effected an Aspiring Actress

3 min readMar 3, 2014

The Oscars, one night, where every role model to actors is in the same room. In the eyes of a aspiring actress, it is a pretty BIG DEAL.

Last night I watched the Oscars and planned out who I wanted to win. I had seen quite a lot of movies this year and was excited to see the winners. I was excited to be inspired and hear speeches that touched my heart and inspired me on this crazy career path.

As I watched, a couple things struck me that I just couldn’t shake. The first thing was the look of all the actors. Now, I know that acting is not just about talent and looks are a big component to this business, but sometimes the industry goes too far. Looking at my favorite singer/actress, Bette Midler, as a child with so much plastic surgery on her face, does not paint a pretty picture for me. How has her face not changed since I was five years old? Maybe she drank the water from the book Tuck Everlasting. Seeing women’s lips expanded to an unreal size horrified me. Watching actor’s cheeks not even move when they were talking was very strange. It just makes me sad that every actor in Hollywood cannot embrace their age or the beauty God formed them as and have to conform to a certain look.

Another thing I could not shake was that one singer, whom I have always admired, sang one musical theater song and did not do it justice. I have listened to her recording dozens of times of Wicked and Frozen and she is at a high celebrity status with that voice of hers. She not only represented herself, but the broadway stage. It made me wonder how her voice really sounds. She knows the live stage more than any recording artist, but what was it that made it so difficult this one night? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a singer myself and I have my off days too, but it made me wonder more about the broadway industry and what is really going on behind the scenes there.

The thing this years Oscars did make me do was really laugh. Ellen Degeneres is amazingly funny and I think we need laughs more than ever in this industry. It gave me hope that woman can still be funny. Lucille Ball has been my biggest inspiration since I was a kid and I have always loved comedic acting the most. I was also very moved by Matthew McConaughey’s speech. He really deserved that role and he brought such an impact to the world by being in that film. I loved that he thanked God first and was the only one at the awards to do that. God gave everyone of these actors their talent, but Matthew was the only one to lower his pride and know that God is the one who brought him where he is today.

The Oscars made me think and reflect. It made me realize what I don’t want to do with my talents and what I do want to do with them. It inspired me to be bold and look at a way this industry can change to impact and inspire more lives everday. I would love to hear your thoughts. Tweet us @_lifepoints or e-mail




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