You’ve got to grow to the point where what you wear doesn’t matter

Now it still does.

Arman Suleimenov
2 min readSep 13, 2013


I usually wear the same type of clothes. It’s jeans/dark trousers and blue/aqua/red shirt with wrapped sleeves. I prefer to wear the same set of clothes for the entire week to minimize the decision-making time spent on the trivial matters of what to wear. This kind of routine minimizes decision fatigue and saves you energy for more important decisions throughout the day. It’s kind of similar to what Michael Lewis wrote in his Vanity Fair Profile on Barack Obama. The US President only wears blue or gray suits exactly for the same reason.

However, in certain communities and cities, suit (and not the Silicon Valley shorts and T-shirts) is one of the key components to be taken seriously. It’s incredible how the suit alone affects the way you are perceived by the people around you. Brian Tracy, the author of ‘Maximum Achievement’, gives dozens of examples from his readers who got promoted in the career ladder by just being more attentive to what they wear. But what if you don’t really care about those ladders, you’re an entrepreneur, a poet, or a writer who wants to change the course of history, affect millions and honestly express himself? You’ve got to grow to the point where what you wear doesn’t matter! Now it still does.



Arman Suleimenov

Managing Director, Founder, nFactorial.School. Past: Hora.AI, N17R, Zero To One Labs, Princeton CS, YC S12 team, ACM ICPC World Finals '09, '11.