Why I quit my job at Apple

Sam Hutchings
Lessons I’ve Learned
3 min readAug 9, 2013


In March of this year, as close to 5 months ago as makes no difference, I quit my job. It was my first full time job, and I had worked there for all but 4 years. I’d learnt a lot, but I’d become bored of doing the same thing day in, day out.

On June 3rd 2013, I started working for one of, if not the, largest consumer technology firms on the planet, in an IT support role. I have wanted to work for this company for many years, and my work experience suited me well for it — I’ve spent over 5 years working in User and Technical support. Despite this appearing to be my perfect job, this week, I quit.

Are you mad?

Quite possibly. In fact, I think I might be. I think we all might be. I learnt that I had got this job in December of 2012. A lot changes in 6 months, especially when you spend 2 months working for yourself. Your priorities change, and your eyes are opened to new things.

During those 6 months, I realised my priorities. Over the last two months these have become ever more real to me, and continuing as I was would not allow me to pursue what means most to me.

What priorities?

A good question, and one I’m glad you asked. It all comes down to three things:

Health — I’ve spent most of my life overweight, and it has caused me quite a few problems. The issue is entirely self inflicted, with laziness and a love for bad food contributing in the main. I’ve had enough, and I need to change this before I get any older, as it won’t get any easier. I need to lose about 100lbs, and I want to do this over the next 52 weeks.

I have suffered from depression for about the last 7 years, caused in partly by low self esteem. I’m hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

Meet brilliant people — I truly love knowing the people I know. I’ll even go as far as saying I love many of them, and would do anything I could to help them out. They know it, and I’d hope and know they’d do the same for me.

I want to get to know more people. I want to help more people do great things. I want to meet the people I’ve worked with, and that’s gonna mean some travelling.

Make something — I have ideas all the time. I’m useless at recording them, and even worse at executing them. I’d like to change that, and I can’t do that spending 13 hours a day working and travelling. I’m going to take a day a week to work on something different. Something I’ve never done before. And see what happens. I’ll keep everyone updated, and I’d hope that you join me on the journey. Everything I work on will be on www.samhutchings.co.

What’s next?

I spent April and May of this year working as a freelance copywriter. I rather enjoyed it, so I’ll be doing the same again from the beginning of September. If you’re looking for someone to write content for your site, or proof what you’ve already got, then I’m happy to help. Example of my work, and info on how to contact me, can be found on my website.

Thank you!

Thank you all for reading this, I’m glad that my words have kept you until this point, and please know that each and every single one one came from the heart.

I’ll be updating this post, and writing others, as my journey continues. I just wanted to let you all know what I was up to, and why you’ll be seeing more of me online.



Sam Hutchings
Lessons I’ve Learned

Currently writing about design. Previously written about technology and customer support. Find me @Smutchings or at www.samhutchings.co.