Internal Diseases of Big Companies

Break away from old minds

Eren Goemleksiz
Lessons Learned
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2013


Habits of Humans - People loose from their habits very slowly or never, because this approach have proven a long time and people are creatures of habit.They are still behind in their way of thinking. What I realized after a long time whether professionally or privately, that people hardly more open in their habits and ways of thinking itself. People who work in such an environment (especially in big companies) are already settling down and usually only do their job. Once I start talking about new processes and developments, people blocking down and trivialize the newly formed concepts to the elementary functions and in retrospect it doesn’t make sense or say that it’s the same thing they do. What the hell! Besides the commands come from above or are there still people who listen and be open to such issues. The subject prepares some people headaches, because they just now her processes and everything else I don’t care. The problem usually happens when open minded people meet people who are confident in their opinion. They have exercised their methods very long and therefore could be in reference to new innovative things barely open. Although the new things would simplify the future. Big companies promote unintentionally make innovation difficult for employees (Up Today!).Enforce innovation in big companies for an employee is connected with a lot of bureaucracy and politics. For example,four years ago Nokia had almost disappeared from the screen, because they sold for years only crappy devices. Employees of Nokia wrote pages and pages of concepts and they were rejected. Think again, the employees wrote something about Smartphones from the current state.But anytime came up Apple with the iPhone. The Innovative thinking is encouraged by the companies, but they are hampered by the excessive Political and Bureaucratic procedures and can’t drive innovation in the business forward. This is the reason why start-ups are bought up by big companies, because they exploit market gaps and use these.

Open minded - Some big companies come close to new things and try to replace certain internal procedures through it with a lot of new external technical expertise. Here’s an example of how Scrum is exercised (the procedure can be summarized in five steps, no matter what role the actor has, everyone has done the same following steps):

  1. ) The Product Owner announce their requirements for each person in the Product Backlog.
  2. ) Daily Scrum - each person has to explain what he did.
  3. ) Departments have been notified that in their specialist IT concepts what was described or improved, depending on the requirement.)
  4. If a sprint was over, the reviews were carried out over several hours (exactly four hours).
  5. ) Everything starts again at Point 1.


I won’t talking about the pros and cons of big and small companies. As can be seen, SCRUM is not carried out in this case as actually known, but again because other rules prevail in big companies. The Problem doesn’t exist in small companies because, everything is manageable and everyone knows what currently happens. As I currently see out according to the SCRUM project, people can not be separated from their old habits and therefore mix together the new and the old together and thus invent their own model - “We do Scrum almost right, but almost”. It’s hard to let go of old processes and to be completely open for new things. Scrum is a model where much is communicated in a team, because misunderstandings are thus recognized earlier and people remain constantly up-to-date. SCRUM is not only a procedure for developments, it’s an ambassador of open communicative culture. An open Communicative inspiring corporate culture encourages people to make innovations. Because the topic of what the other company is so special as they drive innovation. It is now a different mood in the economy, because people think from now on digital.

Innovation and enthusiasm can encourage, but not force.



Eren Goemleksiz
Lessons Learned

Computer Scientist,Thinks Entrepreneurial & Does things that others don’t