Why you should stop getting new ideas

One is enough.

Bastiaan Zwanenburg
2 min readOct 15, 2013

You guys will probably know Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah, the guy who founded Facebook and who’s still Facebook’s CEO. A long, long time ago, he was in his dorm room at Harvard University. He came up with an amazing idea: he made a site on which every student from campus could make a profile, so people could get to know eachother better. We all know how this idea evolved; it became a billion-dollar business. Pretty genius idea, right? But Mark was not the only one with that idea. Dozens of other students at his time had the same idea. But there’s one difference. For them, it remained an idea in their head. Mark built the idea into something big.

This happens quite often. I myself have had tons of ideas, of which I think that they can really change something. The way people use a specific device, the way people interact with each other, or maybe completely change a specific market. However, I could never manage to make those ideas happen, because my time is limited. I am sure that you have tons of ideas too, and I also know pretty sure that your time is limited, too. Therefore you should stop wasting your time thinking about your ideas, but just pick one, and get started.

When you get started with your idea, you will learn a lot for sure. You will learn why it is a good idea, or why it is not. You start to develop a feeling that can tell you whether ideas will or would not work. And the most important: By making your idea happen, you actually change something. By thinking about it, you just change something in your mind. A second cool thing that comes by developing ideas, that it will actually give you feedback. Will people download it, or will it make revenue? You will get to know the quality of your idea.

It’s very important to just get started. Way too many awesome ideas get lost while thinking about them. So please, stop thinking about your ideas. Your idea is already pretty good. Just get started, time will tell you how to make your idea better.

By making your idea happen, you actually change something. By thinking about it, you just change something in your mind.



Bastiaan Zwanenburg

Builds amazing apps and works on awesome projects. Goes to school in spare time.