After My Side Project Hit HN Frontpage

Jianer Shi
2 min readNov 21, 2013


Two days ago, my side project hit front page of HN. I was shocked. After all it was just a simple front end design of a tool I used often. Seeing so many visitors on the site at the same time was very exciting. After taking a look at the metrics, I draw some conclusions that might be useful for my own entrepreneurship endeavor.

The Most Important Lesson: The Fame is Only Temporary

And I will keep reminding myself of this fact.

HN Can Really Drive Traffic

Thanks Guys~

HN Has a Lot More Global Readers Than I Expected

Few People Discovered API

Try here:

Top Tech Cities in U.S.

And Around the World

This is my first popular Github project, I got on Github trend probably due to the HN traffic. I have since updated the UI and release 1.0 stable version. I hope you guys like it :)

For further readings regarding why I built this, I have posted a piece on my technical blog here:



Jianer Shi

Learn for Life // 一期一会 // 人生は夢だらけ