Meltdown & Spectre vulnerabilities

A new year brings new opportunities but also new security challenges. 2018 starts with a bang as two huge hardware bugs, dubbed Meltdown and Spectre, are discovered in the processors of several brands.

Lesterius Team
2 min readJan 11, 2018


What is it about?

Meltdown is a security flaw that could allow hackers to bypass the hardware barrier between applications run by users and the computer’s core memory, which is normally highly protected.

Spectre is slightly different. It potentially allows hackers to trick otherwise error-free applications into giving up secret information. Spectre is also a threat to your smartphone or tablet.

And what does that actually mean? Essentially, either of these vulnerabilities could be theoretically exploited to steal sensitive data, like passwords, personal data.

What actions do we take?

Security and protection of your data is for FM Connection a big concern. We investigated immediately the impact on hosting. One thing is clear, the bugs can’t be patched with just one software update. Several actions need to be taken. Hardware patches must be delivered by the several hardware vendors, hardware must be updated by our hosting partners, and operating systems need to be updated. We are monitoring the several Meltdown and Spectre reports and taking appropriate steps to mitigate risks.

What can you do?

Not only our servers are at risk, but also your local server and other devices are impacted and on most of them you can take the required measures to protect yourselves from the flaws. You have to update your operating system, the firmware of the chip inside your computer, as well as your web browser.

We advise you to contact your IT partner for additional questions and support.

If you are planning an operating system upgrade, have an older version of FileMaker, are not sure it could break your solution or have any question about this message, don’t hesitate to contact us news (at) for advise.

But let us close positively by wishing you all the best in your new year! Together, let’s make 2018 a safer year to remember.

Thank you.

The FM Connection Support Team

FM Connection is a division of Lesterius.

