Attention New Writer: Let Me Read Your Story!

I want to read — and provide feedback for — your story, and re-share it for more views. Sounds good? Let’s get started!

Eric Monk
Get Read!


A silhouette of a thumbs up, which is what I give your story when reviewing it!
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

I recently came across an interesting version of the follow-4-follow piece many new writers post to get to the coveted 100 followers mark. This one had a twist: It also described a way for more seasoned writers to keep giving back to the community beyond just following new writers. Essentially, it suggested spending some time mentoring new writers by reading and providing feedback on their stories. What a great idea!

EDIT: This version is outdated! Instead, find the updated version here:

The Offer

  1. You decide on a story you want me to read and provide feedback on. It must be in English, and you must be willing to let me post a story with excerpts from your story and comments on your writing — including both well-deserved praise and suggestions for improvement. You must be open to criticism, as this is the only way to improve.



Eric Monk
Get Read!

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