Let Me Read Your Story!

You can have your story read, get thorough feedback, and have it re-shared for more views. Sounds good? Let’s get started!

Eric Monk
Get Read!
3 min readSep 30, 2022


Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash


The concept is simple: You are a writer. You want feedback to become a better writer.

You submit a story that is a good representation of your writing (or perhaps an attempt at trying out a new style or topic), and your story is added to the list. One happy day, your name is called and you get your feedback.

You will get a thorough treatment of your story, complete with notes on where there are opportunities to improve and what you did great and should continue doing.

Not only that but your story is linked in the feedback story and will likely gain some new attention. Furthermore, your story might be selected to be featured in the Monster Alley publication’s F4F articles.


The feedback is shared as a separate story, published in the “Let Me Read Your Story” publication. It will always contain a link to your story, and at least one mention of you with a link to your profile.

The feedback will focus on the writing craft itself, but may occasionally also touch upon the content or message of your writing.

You can expect feedback on your title, pictures, formatting, grammar, links/citations, language, cohesion, and cadence.


  1. First, decide on a story you want feedback on. It must be in English, and you must be willing to receive the feedback as a separate story. The feedback story will include excerpts from your story as well as comments on your writing — including both well-deserved praise and suggestions for improvement. You must be open to criticism, as this is the only way to improve.
  2. Use this form to submit a link to your story.
  3. Clap as much as you want for this story to help others find this service (pretty please!)
  4. Decide if you want to follow the publication to read even more writing tips in the future!
  5. Have a little patience until your story is read and you get your feedback and promotion of your story. The waiting list will show your story as “completed” and there will be a friend link available for at least 7 days so that you can access your feedback even without being a paying Medium member.
  6. Read the feedback, and feel free to comment on it or ask for clarifications.
  7. Decide whether to follow or tip your feedback writer ;)

Note: The publication and its editors reserve the right to refuse to read/comment on any specific story without explanation. Please see the historical publication frequency and the queue of stories to estimate when to expect your feedback. The feedback writer spends 1–2 hours per feedback, so please make sure to read the feedback when it is ready, and consider subscribing to the publication. And ALWAYS feel free to engage with the feedback writer or the community!

If you’re working on a story right now, consider checking out the feedback already provided on other authors’ stories in this publication, or check out the one-stop-shop writing checklist here:

I hope you are excited about this opportunity! If you are, be sure to leave a few claps so that this might reach others. If you want unlimited access to great articles with writing tips and want to support other writers, please consider signing up to become a Medium member. If you do so through this referral link you support the publication as I (the publication founder) get a small commission at no extra cost to you.



Eric Monk
Get Read!

From mentoring to finance to fiction - I've got a little of each. Check out my lists for grouped content!