Breathing Life

N C Luck
Let’s Destroy Everything, Shall We?
1 min readDec 15, 2016

If only the words came as easily as the feelings, if only the thoughts pored from the mouth as rapidly as they came.

If they did, I think that I would be somewhere different-

some place far from here with you.

Someone told me about this idea of being “put together.”

And the more I think of these past months of held breath, the more aware I become of my unconscious suffocation.

So finally, let me inhale…

and admit that I am all together undone.

So why am I so happy?
Maybe it’s because I am finally alive.



N C Luck
Let’s Destroy Everything, Shall We?

I don’t want to write something that you have never known, I want to write something that you have always known to show you that you are not alone.