To My Entire World,

N C Luck
Let’s Destroy Everything, Shall We?
1 min readJan 1, 2016

Once I told you that you were all of the colors at once, in full brightness —
maybe I was lying.
Maybe you are more than just the colors, but also the sky and all its stars.
What if you were the moon and I did not know it until right now…

Because if that were true,
then I would not need to miss you.

Next year when you are far away from me,
I need only look up into the sky and see you shining down upon me,
sweet enough to share your light.

But what then if I look up and only see the sun?
Then I’d be lucky
because you are still all the bright places in one.

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N C Luck
Let’s Destroy Everything, Shall We?

I don’t want to write something that you have never known, I want to write something that you have always known to show you that you are not alone.