A Reminiscence

Zankrut Antani
Let the Pen Talk
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2020

The cold breeze in the warm light of the sunset under the hazy pink sky was soothing the surrounding. Kanishk was sipping a sparkling wine with his friends sitting in a lush green garden around the dainty fountains of wineries. The evening was moving and so were the conversations. The indulgences led everyone to a juncture of their sweetly perplexed reminiscence; Love.

“Come on, Kanishk! Open up! Tell us your secret admiration!” Eli expressed.

“Uh oh! I don’t have any.” Kanishk resisted.

“Oh, common Key. Don’t try to dodge. You are all covered. Haha!” Ben countered.

“Yeah, dude. You seem to have a nice story behind that innocent-looking face of yours” Diana pressed.

“Umm..” Kanishk was melting.

“Oh ya there he is; We’re waiting!” Eli thumped.

“Okay, so the story goes like this. There’s this guy sitting in front of you, was madly in love or you can say infatuated or attracted towards a girl. Her mere presence made him feel alive. His heart was the candle which lightened with her smile. He literally melted and submerged into nothingness when he stood in front of her. She had that power to make his mind go to a strike. However, he never had bolstered the strength to even talk with her.

However, he gathered the courage to talk with her one day. It was a friendship day. He had the class the same as her. The time for the class was at 630 in the evening. He knew she would reach the place right before 10 minutes. He prepared himself and reached there 20 minutes before standing in a corner where she would park her scooter. He bought chocolate, a band, and a yellow flower; to gift her. She was there; on time. She was wearing a pistachio colored dress and she was looking fabulous. She was just starting to go inside the building when he stopped her.


“Hey! Hi..” She expressed.

“I wanted to say something to you..”

“Umm.., yeah tell me.”

“I.. I.. happy friendship day”

“happy friendship day” She replied.

“I.. brought, I mean, here’s something for you.” I gave her finely gift-wrapped chocolate with the yellow flower.

“Okay, thanks. Anything else?” She smiled.

“Oh yes yes. Here’s the band for you.”

“Tie it on my hand”

“Oh should I?” his hands were shivering while doing so. He could not tie it properly.

“Never mind, I’ll do it. We’re getting late.”

“Okay, see you inside!”

Those were the best 10 minutes for him. He had never felt this rejuvenated.” Kanishk elaborated.

“What happened then? How did she react to it? Did she catch your affection?” Diana innocuously asked.

“Yea, she did react to it. However, not verbally — in a sign. In our class, She used to sit in the first row and we had different sections for boys and girls to sit. However, on that day — she sat in the last row, and during the class, she moved her hand in a way so that I could see her wearing the belt. I think that was her expression of acceptance.” Kanishk conveyed.

“Oh, how sweet!” Eli said.

“So, you guys are a couple now or what?” Ben asked.

“Um, not really. We have hardly talked with each other. Three times, to be precise. “ Kanishk said.

“WHAT!? You remember these minuscule details and still are not together! Oh heavens!” Diana was certainly surprised.

“Yes, I have tried; but all in vain. It’s a black hole of emotions. A light goes in, you don’t know what will come out! However, I adore her. I love her. I carry this perception of her everywhere I go; and feel happy about it. In my thoughts, we’re indeed a couple! Haha!” Kanishk said.

The night-sky was shining. So were Kanishk’s thoughts.

