Interstellar: A Saga

Zankrut Antani
Let the Pen Talk
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2020

We’re still Pioneers, we’ve barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.” — Cooper

This single dialogue from Cooper raises my Goosebumps. What a remarkable creation Mr. Nolan has made. Movie revolves around the main character Cooper who’s farmer of his era living with his two children and Father-in-law.

Movie begins with the glimpses of future where Mankind is running out of food because of the extinction of crops, and Mankind is going to see the starvation and suffocation in future with the dust storm around. How dreadful the situation can be is explained here by Mr. Nolan in upcoming future of mankind. The teachers’ of Tom and Murph says to Cooper, “We don’t need any engineers to make TV. We’re running out of food. We need farmers. Good Farmers like you.” and adds that “exploration to Moon was false Propaganda floated by the US government.” It shows how the evolution of mankind is going to end, from where it started by turning to be the starved searching for food.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,

Old Age Should Burn and rave at the close of Day,

Rage, Rage against the Dying of Light,

Do not Go gentle into that Good Night.

As The Prof. Brand Recites this classic from Dylan Thomas, It indeed thrills.

Between all this (as destiny or “they” wanted) A dirt Storm comes, and Murph misses to close her room’s window, which leads her room to be covered with all dirt. By all amaze, Cooper encounters a gravitational anomaly from which he gets a binary message which leads him to the secret Place of the NASA where he meets Prof. Brand and his voyage for the mankind begins. This way Nolan tells that how destiny revolves and leads you to where you belong. Cooper had undergone training from NASA for such expedition but was never utilized for it. His destiny at last made the thing Possible by commencement of such voyage.

Murph, who is not happy with the father going for the interstellar journey (what merely a 10 year old expect from father). She decodes her ghost’s message which is “Stay” (it was sent by “They”) from her bookshelf (the real hero of the movie : P). But avoiding the love for mankind, Cooper leaves her with heavy heart with the Promise of returning someday, and the great journey of exploration begins.

From here, Film’s connection with quantum mechanics begins. The game with time, The game with gravity, The game with fate. We have understood only dimensional Physical world, but the Special relativity explains the time as an another dimension. And a Wormhole is a “Shortcut” for “cheating” spacetime and cover the distance in short time for very far space objects. This wormhole is hypothetical theory but General Relativity’s some solutions do explain its existence somewhere. But some scientists believe that it is impossible to travel through wormhole as they can’t stay stable, but Throne’s research says that the exotic matter in the wormhole stabilizes it and it makes it traversable wormhole, which is shown in the movie. Mr. Nolan’s VFX team has made that so beautifully those that Dr. Throne Published 2 scientific Papers from it.

With all these, they reach to miller’s Planet where the first encounter the magic of relativity in first sense, where they fail to find any resources to sustain life on Miller’s and returns at the sake of Doyle’s life. This way, Mr. Nolan conveys that however you try, you’ll fall short somewhere somehow. Dr. Brand says, “I felt I knew Everything. But I didn’t know the reality.” And this keeps the quest of learning continuously.

Here comes a twist. This is not because of the technical glitch in the scientific calculation. It is because of the glitch in understanding the human behavior. Mr. Nolan gracefully expresses this by the character of Dr.Mann, who is considered to be the bravest contender of all the voyagers. But he was on the dead Planet and he wanted to live anyhow, thus wanted to kill Cooper, who was to return from Mann’s Planet. He says a beautiful dialogue,

“Survival instinct is the single source for inspiration for whatever we do.” Hurting the aim of saving the mankind he cheated by sending false signals to the Endurance. But anyhow, the survival instinct of Cooper saves him and along with Dr. Brand manages to escape the Planet.

Between a new journey, Cooper fells into the black hole along with the Robot TARS. But as explained by Romily before, The Black hole had the gentle singularity which would help them to escape the black hole even if they enter and can collect the quantum data (which TARS captures).

Cooper’s Craft fails and falls into the black hole and cooper enters into the Tesseract, a 3 dimensional representation of 5 dimensional space, where he was only seeing his daughter in her room behind the bookshelf. This is the most Prodigious explanation of love one could see. He tries to communicate with her daughter through the bookshelf to save the generations from past in the future. This is bootstrap Paradox, it refers to the scenarios where items of information are Passed from future to Past, but the same items of information are Passed from Past to future. ( Cooper himself sends the data of NASA’s co-ordinates through that bookshelf in Binary to call himself where he’s there already.) But Novikov’s Self Consistency Principle denies that saying, “if event would give a rise to Paradox, or any change in Past whatsoever, then Probability of that event is zero.” This has been beautifully Crafted by Mr. Nolan with the help of Morse code communication through the watch Which Murph later encounters. Why only Cooper was seeing her daughter? This is explained with the theory of love (discovery from Nolan we can say) given by Dr. Brand,

“Love is something that transcends space and time.” This way affection towards his daughter is shown in the Tesseract. This depicts love for her daughter and their invincible connection.

This way, affection for beloved, the thrive to Survive, and the concepts of Physics gives you overwhelming cinematic experience. It was the best Possible explanation of what could be a remarkable journey of human race.

At last The Murphy’s law as said in the movie,

Whatever can happen, will happen.

