Mahabharatha and the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution

Zankrut Antani
Let the Pen Talk
Published in
1 min readJul 5, 2020

नरो वा कुंजरो वा’
(Not sure if it was a human or an elephant)

Yudhishthira replied to the anxiously waiting Dronacharya for his call.

He initially replied a “Yes” about Dronacharya’s son Ashwasthama’s death on the battlefield.

Dronacharya left everything and started meditating. Pandavas then killed him and cruised themselves ahead to win the battle and to instill Dharma.

Yudhishthira partially lied and which led them to win the battle.

Something on a similar note happened to the Parliament of House of Representatives on the beautiful morning of 31st January 1865. During the vote for 13th Amendment.

Democrats alleged of peace talks to end The Civil War happening with the president and hence requested to postpone the vote.

Amid all the confusion, Mr. Ashley received a letter from the President Lincoln about this saying,

“Upto my knowledge and as far as I know, no peace delegates are present at the Washington. “

Though they were present and by adding a line of “As far as I know” he helped to instill the right and to help the slavery vanish from the holy land of The United States.

Is it wrong of it leads to right?

