The Bird with The Broken Wings

Zankrut Antani
Let the Pen Talk
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2020

Ted was sitting in the balcony of his apartment. It was a refreshing and euphonic evening but Ted didn’t seem to bother the beauteous time. He was quiet, lost in deep thoughts. But all in sudden, he heard someone calling his name. He looked around, but no one was there. This happened 2 or 3 times. He tried to regard the sound and it was of a bird sitting on the edge of the balcony! He was astounded to hear a bird taking his name! He was not able to believe what he heard.

“Ted, I’m blessed by the almighty with a tongue that can speak as humans. I know it’s quite amusing for you to see a bird talking.” the wonder bird told breaking the thoughts of Ted.

Ted was still in shock. He was feeling good to see such unique happening, but still was sad in his own thoughts. “Birds Generally Fly back to their home in evening and every bird I look around is doing so. Why you are sitting on this edge?” Ted asked with childish curiosity.

“I am the bird with the Broken Wings Ted. I can’t fly as rest of the birds.” The wonder Bird told in a grievous voice.

“I don’t see any wound on your Body, then why can’t you fly?” Ted asked The Wonder bird.

“Like you Humans, We also have emotions Ted. And What I think is, our Heart drives us to do the work and our Mind and Body helps us to. And our Emotions control our heart. And if our heart feels the pain we cannot do anything.”

“Why can’t you fly then Wonder Bird?” Ted interrupted with eagerness.

“I don’t have desire to fly Ted. Somehow my heart is not prompting me to fly. And if your heart doesn’t prompt you to do anything your mind and body won’t be able to do that even if they want to.”

“Why does your Heart not want to fly?” Ted asked the wonder Bird with sigh of avidity.

“We also have emotional dependency on someone as you human beings carry, No living thing on earth can be emotionally independent. And that emotional dependency creates different vibes of feelings which affects the heart. And Heart is so silly that it starts on relying on that dependency. And as time moves on that emotional Dependency becomes the only fuel that controls the mechanism of Heart. We cannot live alone. We have friends, family and special “The One” who holds the string of our heart since we be emotionally dependent on them. That dependency may be mutual or it may not be even. And some dependencies are such that if they are not present, then it becomes nearly impossible to breathe. The dependencies ought to be mutual. And if they’re not, they are going to hurt you somehow someway. The One, who holds all these dependencies perfectly, can be the happiest one alive. But that never happens. Dependencies rely on perception about one another, and that wouldn’t be the same for all. And if differences are created, then it hurts the relation.”

“True, Wonder Bird. But it seems that your bond of dependency has been broken. You seem woeful.” Ted told.

“Correct Ted. I have lost all my desire to live. And that is why I don’t want to fly. It feels as if one part of me has died. Heart does not provoke anything, mind does not think anything and body does not act anything. But On counterpart, I believe in Destiny. Somewhere the great Almighty has carved the journey of my life beautifully. I’ll find my way. Time’s gonna resolve everything. Emotional dependencies will also find their way.”

In mean time, a sound came of breakage. Coffee cup had fallen from Ted’s hand on the Floor. The Moon was shining over the sky and the surrounding had pin drop silence. Ted looked around. He was finding the Wonder Bird. It was not present. Time had moved. He pinched himself. He was witnessing a reverie. He didn’t know from where that wonder bird had come. He was feeling somewhat refreshing then. Ted moved in his room thinking about destiny and hoping his dreams to get real.

Believe in Destiny. That’s gonna Show you the way.” –LetThePenTalk.

