The Infinite Loop

Zankrut Antani
Let the Pen Talk
Published in
7 min readJul 5, 2020

“Who would’ve dropped a mail?” rubbing my hands in chilling winter morning I wondered.

“Anyways let’s open it.” The curious in me was excited.

I would expect you to keep this note in your pocket. Do not throw it away. 1202241900

The anonymous letter read. This mystified me to the core.

“What are you thinking Teddy? What happened? What’s there in your hand?” Tracy’s voice had the desire to understand the peculiarity of the situation from my expressions.

“Nothing baby. Just got one unnamed letter saying to keep this in my pocket. Pondering who would’ve sent it.” I told Tracy.

“Oh is it so? I suspect it to be someone notorious who’s trying to pull your legs!” Tracy’s mirth eliminated my confusion and worry about the letter.

“Yea it can be so.” I still tried to play like the FBI.

“No, it will be like that. Now, please get ready fast. I’m getting late for work.” Tracy changed the direction of talk and my mind to the way it should’ve been earlier.

“Hmm.., you proceed. Today, I need to go downtown to present a study to the students.”

“Aww, okay my twee Teddy! I’ll see you in the evening!” Tracy told kissing my forehead.

“Yea sure darling. Love you, honey!”.

— -

“The meet I think went well. Students engaged beautifully.” I murmured while entering a restaurant to have lunch. To my utter surprise, I found Tracy.

“What a surprise! Are you on a business lunch or is it just a mere coincidence that we happen to be in the same restaurant for lunch? Oh dear, our hearts are the same!” I tried to explain my exhilaration of surprisingly meeting her.

“This isn’t funny Ted. You told me to come here when we were in the class and now you’re almost an hour late. I was about to leave and you came! And why are you wearing this grey suit? ” She was furious.

(When did I tell her to come here? When was she in class with me? This is confusing.)

“Because I was to present a study. I was wearing the same when I left home. And I am sorry for being late Tracy, was stuck in something.” I tried to calm her down while I tried to fathom what I really missed.

“You were wearing a red tee and jeans. Where did you go after class! When on earth you’ll really follow the time properly?” She almost blasted me.

(We had this strange habit of doing parallel conversations. Now, this was strange. Why is she reacting like this? Maybe she is playing a game with me. She is very good at that.)

“Oh Mrs. Smith, I did this so that I can fervent in the oceanic eyes whose beauty augments when you’re angry at me.” I tried to understand what actually was happening.

“Come on Ted! Don’t try to flatter me. Did you just address me as your wife?” Tracy asked me.

(Now this was really intriguing. Why is she reacting like this? Now, one thing is definitely clear — she is not making fun of me. )

“Now this is funny! We vowed to stay with each other for our entire lives two years ago.” I specified the fact.

“This is enough Ted. I’m leaving now. This is so confusing. Your attire has changed, you’ve come late and I am not hungry anymore! ” Tracy told.


“Shut up! I don’t want to listen to your stupid theories.” Tracy just eliminated the space for rescue and left.

Surprisingly, not many were there at the restaurant. I was extremely perplexed.

(What just has happened? Tracy’s argument is above my head. She must have had not so well the first session of the day. I Will try to talk with her in the evening when I go home.)

“Excuse me, can I have some fries, burger and…”I was a frequent visitor to the restaurant.

“And a drink float! Right away Sir.” The waiter completed my order himself. We exchanged smiles.

Surely, these kinds of minor clashes wouldn’t be new to him.

He came back after some minutes. The restaurant looked different.

“Here’s your order sir!” The waiter obliged.

“Thanks! You seem to have changed your outlook. I had come the previous week, and the entire façade is transformed. Are you going back in time? ” I inquired.

“Sir, I beg to differ here. We have not gone through any transformation. It has been like this since long.” He contradicted.

“No! These tables were different. The sitting arrangement was different. Wall designs and graffiti were different. How can this change in a week?” I excitedly asked and crossed my boundaries of gentleness.

“No Sir. There’s some misunderstanding here. You might have gone to some other place.” He politely refused.

(I was baffled. How can this happen? I have seen this place differently — why is he denying the changes around? )

“A Drink for you Sir.” The Waiter served.

“Thanks but I did not order it. You may have come to the wrong table.”

“No Sir, I am at the right table. The guy sitting on the cross side of yours has told me to serve and to give this letter to you.” The waiter explained.

“Okay, Thanks.” I was not able to see the face of the person since he was sitting in the other part of the restaurant. I opened the letter.

You seem to be confused with the situation, my friend. I can understand. Don’t worry, remain in the present. Everything is going to end up fine. 1202241315

(Is he a psychologist who can read minds? Why did he do this? What does this number mean? )

I waved a thank you to the Gentleman. He acknowledged.

(This is weird. I received a letter today morning with similar numbers and now too. There’s something wrong.)

“Hey, bring me the cheque(check).” I requested The Waiter.

“Sure, Thank you, sir.” Said the Waiter.

(It is already 2. I should start at the meeting. Let’s deal with whatever fuzzy is happening after some time.)

— -

“Wait! What? How can you say that you don’t recognize me! I’ve been working here for 2 years! And my own offices’ security is not letting me in. This is getting weirder now.”I blasted the man at the door.

“Sorry Dr. Smith, your name does not appear in the list who can enter the premises. I can’t permit you to enter. I apologize, but let me do my duty.” Security showed me the door to exit from my very office.

I was utterly dejected with the recent afternoon happenings. I was clueless as to why that all happened. I decided to head back home.

As I was walking, I saw something very strange. The Video billboard was showing President Obama’s electoral campaign address.

(Wait. President Obama is not running for presidency this time, Clinton is. So why he’s coming up on the screen? This is weird.)

“Hey Why President Obama is there on the screen?” I asked a random stranger.

“because he’s running for presidency 2nd time. Don’t you know that fool!” The stranger replied furiously.

“No. Clinton is; President Obama has already been elected 2nd time and he can’t run for 3rd term!” I said.

“God Save you.” The stranger walked away.

I was baffled. I saw something disconcerting. The video billboard flashed the date. It was 24th Feb 2012 !!

So just to confirm I was not dreaming, I dropped a note to myself.

“Oh Thank God it’s you. Baby, I was so worried about you, you know that!”Tracy told without breathing while opening the door.

“Oh Yes, Tracy. Something very confusing has happened with me; first, tell me today’s date.” I told.

“24th Feb. Why? ”

“The Year.”


“Oh Gosh! Tracy, I love you.” I said with enchantment.

“I love you too Teddy. But will you tell me what happened? Are you okay?” Tracy asked me and tried to console me.

“Yes baby, you won’t believe; But I just traveled in the past,” I told her.

“What! How! I mean why! Oh, what am I asking! ” Tracy’s desire to know the uncanny situation was clearly visible in her voice.

“Remember I left to give the lecture? After that, I think everything started. Tell me today afternoon; did we meet at the Whitehall ?”

“No. Why would I come there? I was at my office.” Tracy counter questioned.

“Because I met you there. Oh, now I got what happened!” I threw different statements at the same time. Tracy obviously was confused.

“When I entered Whitehall, I somehow was thrown to past which I obviously didn’t notice. We had a confusing and awkward conversation; then I went to my office, where I was not given permission to enter, which is totally correct since I was not the employee at that time. Also, Restaurant’s outlook seemed different to me than the last time we visited. You kept on mentioning about class and attire. Obviously, that was of 2012. Not 2016.”

“Ok, this is unique. How you would’ve got back in time! And how did you know you were in the past?” Tracy asked.

(She is indeed smart. Oh I love her!)

“From the video billboard; President Obama was giving a speech for the electoral campaign,” I told.

“Haha. He saved your years! How did you come back to the present then? ” Tracy cracked a joke.

“Definitely! I still need to figure that out. Maybe some changes in the 4th dimension led to this situation!” I tried to the porch in my bread and butter.

“Oh okay! You’ve got life for that. But do not forget the loop effect! ” Tracy winked.

“Haha. Sure” I winked back. I accidentally then put my hand in my pocket and found two notes, they had turned to be yellowish; seemed old to me. Not sure what that was.

Originally published: February 2016

