
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Life is but a mystery most know how not to solve,
Answers all, flimsy waves of meaning, unrequited.
Great lives too reach the void, pure and abiding,
No universal salve, save softened eyes, kind.
Time, our old friend, hoards patience with ease,
Hearts and minds adrift in cold, capricious seas.
Intuit this truth in passing, the void cares not,
Divinity rests in flimsy, transient tenderness.
Sincere actions, ideals pure, duty as joy, onwards!,
To the world, give kindly, to heal, to gently calm.
Origins, ends and ways of the void, do discern,
Seize moments wise, clear and true, with care.
Outer and inner spaces do explore, with love
Truths perennial, treasure these if you so choose!

