
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Light works wonders, in waves, particulate
Conference chatter, birds drunk on dawn.
Winter’s kiss wafts as a fragrance evergreen,
Sweetness resides in a bee’s labour of love.
A breeze calms all, simple, pure comfort,
Mountains patiently ascend, sky is the limit.
Oceans enact plays of peace and turbulence,
As forests gently enshroud the dance of Life.
Clouds adorn the Earth, fashion by Sol’s light,
Light, messenger cosmic, message expansive.

Each dawn a newborn, beholder’s privilege,
Impervious to custom, a glow unchanging.
Blades of grass cushion eager drops of dew,
Rain earnest, courts the Earth, ever lush.
A pale blue dot, circles Sol, mild-mannered,
Suns and moons do abound, ever-receding.
Gravity’s whispers shapes reality so cosmic,
Lonesome force, awaiting a grand (re)union.
Bouts of black-holes, confident echoes true,
Tapestry so elegant, inconceivable, Nature.

