What makes 90% of perfect Midjourney pictures... well, not interesting

Aivaras A Grauzinis
Let There Be Prompt
4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Created by the author with Midjourney AI

By now, professionals and amateurs alike have realised that Midjourney is an extremely powerful, paradigm-changing tool. It can, and it does, create absolutely amazing images. And yet, as an artist and photographer, I can tell you one thing: most of the pictures created with Midjourney are aesthetically pleasing but horribly, extremely dull.

I check different AI image libraries every day and catch myself mentally commenting about interesting styles, good light, nice colors, or composition. Yet it is an extreme rarity to stumble into something that I would say, “Wow, this is really good.”

Sceptics argue that generative AI is not art and cannot create anything approaching art, hence this lack of spark of life or something interesting. But I strongly disagree with that. Midjourney is a tool, no different from other tools in the artist's arsenal. And like with an airbrush or paint spray can, you can create cheap and forgettable graffiti, or, if you have skill and vision, you can create art.

I think this medium is young and allows the pleasure of creation for many people who did not have a chance before to do anything of the sort. Most users get carried away with crafting unique prompts and styles and tweaking parameters, copying the looks of other beautiful creations. It is…



Aivaras A Grauzinis
Let There Be Prompt

I am, therefore I think. About everything. And then I write.