Stanley Fritz
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017

Formerly known as Let Your Voice Be Heard! Radio, BE HEARD! is an award-winning podcast and live radio show committed to informing, educating and empowering millennials on political and social issues. It broadcasts live every on WHCR 90.3FM “The Voice of Harlem” in New York City and via Facebook Live every Sunday from 11 — 12 p.m. (EST).

Each week, the team unpacks news stories and issues relating to race, culture, and politics and leaves listeners with a call to action that empowers them to make positive changes in society. The team also directly addresses audience questions and comment in real-time via Facebook and Instagram during each recording.

A number of high-profile speakers and political figures have appeared on the show, including:

Conservative veteran radio host Larry Elder | Sen. Cory Booker | NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio | Russell Simmons | Frank Gaffney | Anthony Weiner | NBC Legal Analyst Lisa Bloom

And representatives from the:

American Enterprise Institute | Center for American Progress | Center for Constitutional Rights | Center for Reproductive Rights | Drug Policy Alliance | Family Research Council | MADRE | NAACP

Along with writers from:

BuzzFeed | The Daily Beast | POLITICO | the New Yorker

Our Mission

To inform, educate, and empower millennials of color and marginalized communities.

Our History

In 2006, Selena Hill created Let Your Voice Be Heard! (LYVBH) as a platform for the students of SUNY Old Westbury to express their views on issues within the institution and the struggles they faced as young adults. The show also encouraged students to voice their musical and creative talents and it exposed young new artists and party promotion groups.

After a two year hiatus, LYVBH! was relaunched and reloaded in 2011. It serves with its original purpose at hand, but has expanded to become the voice of our generation of politically-minded adults and voters.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @BeHeard_Radio!

Tune In Every Sunday at 11 a.m. EST via:

1. Facebook Live

2. WHCR Ustream

3. Mobile Stream

4. Radio (Residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, and the central and lower Bronx can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM)



Stanley Fritz

JET mag beauty of the week finalist circa 2067. Table flipper, writer. Non respectable negro. Racist round house kicker