#KavaNOPE: #MeToo and the #CancelKavanaughMovement

Selena Hill
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2018

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings have launched a nationwide discussion on sexual assault and how our country values women. Have we really progressed since Anita Hill?

On this episode of Let Your Voice Be Heard!, Selena Hill, Stanley Fritz, Ilyssa Fuchs, and Jaqi Cohen talked about Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and what steps progressives need to take to preserve and protect our rights moving forward.

The team also discussed bail reform, Melania Trump’s controversial colonial outfit, and other recent news stories during “The News Round Up.”

Take a listen:



Selena Hill

Digital Editor at Black Enterprise, Founder of the “Be Heard Talk” radio show and podcast