9 Top Software Tools for Daily Use In a Startup

Anton Shardin
Leta Capital
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2023
Software tools for daily use

Each entrepreneur desires to increase their productivity and accomplish daily tasks more efficiently, creating additional time to devote to business expansion. The abundance of web-based tools and software available can be overwhelming. To alleviate this, I have compiled a list of my nine favorite tools, which my teammates and I at Leta Capital use quite frequently.

Are you building a software tool for a team? We are investing in early-stage revenue-generating software startups across the world and would love to hear from you! You can reach us at info@leta.vc or fill in the form here.

Collaboration tools for the team

Collaborative tools enable team members to communicate more quickly, easily, and effectively, regardless of location. They can lead to better coordination and faster decision-making. Collaborative tools enable teams to work from anywhere, especially for distributed teams or remote workers.


Headroom develops a new generation of video conferencing software for the “future of work” with many real-time AI and collaboration features. AI recognizes gestures, provides real-time transcripts, and allows to search across replays, transcripts, and notes.

Why do I recommend this tool?

With this communication software, you have the convenience of getting call transcriptions, enabling employees who couldn’t attend the call to easily read and catch up on what was discussed, thereby saving valuable time. Moreover, the software provides statistics on various parameters such as the level of participation, the emotional state of participants, and more. These insights can be leveraged by the manager to improve the effectiveness of future calls and make informed decisions.


World Time Buddy (WTB) is a world clock converter and an online meeting scheduler that helps foster productivity. Users can compare multiple time zones at a glance and plan conference calls, webinars, international phone calls, and web meetings. It also aids with business travel and tracking of market hours.

Why do I recommend this tool?

In a remote team, employees can live in different countries in different time zones. To reduce such mistakes as “Oh, I thought the call was at 12 London time,” we suggest you use this collaboration tool. Moreover, I use it to schedule calls with founders. BTW, if you are raising late seed/Series A, you can text me on LinkedIn, and we’ll set up a call!


Vyte.in is an online platform that allows users to schedule meetings faster. It suggests times for meetings directly from the users’ calendar and shows when their invitees are available. Vyte.in has a dashboard with common availabilities between participants before scheduling.

Why do I recommend this tool?

Sometimes it’s hard to schedule a call for several people. Not only because of different time zones but because people have limited available time slots. To solve this problem, we use Vite.in collaboration app. A team member who is responsible for scheduling a meeting needs just to add his availability and send a link to others.

Productivity tools for team

Productivity software tools are designed to help you work smarter, not harder. Automating repetitive tasks or providing shortcuts can save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.


Hunter provides online data to create connections between professionals. It lists all the email addresses of a company publicly available on the web and enables its users to find the email address by first name, last name, and company website.

Hunter also provides its users with information on the validity and deliverability of any email address.

Why do I recommend this tool?

Hunter.io can be a helpful tool for individuals and businesses seeking to connect with others via email by streamlining the email searching and verification process. You can easily add your team members to your account. It will be cheaper.

Toggl track

Simple time tracking to count working hours. Suits well for billing contractors.

Why do I recommend this tool?

When you realize that you are going to do some task repetitively, you can track it for the first time to understand how much time you spend on each of them. Moreover, it has a lot of integrations with other productivity apps.


Webscraper is making web data extraction easy and accessible for everyone. Point and click interface: Configure scraper by pointing and clicking on elements. No coding required. Extract data from dynamic websites: Web Scraper can extract data from sites with multiple levels of navigation. It can navigate a website on all levels. Export data in CSV, XLSX and JSON formats.

Why do I recommend this tool?

As a data-driven VC we constantly use it to get a huge amount of data from the web. It’s easy to make your scraper without a line of code, and you don’t need to waste your programmers’ time on this task.


Zapier is the ultimate tool for integrating tech stacks and processes. It enables you to establish connections and automate tasks between thousands of systems, increasing productivity, reducing costs and saving time. With Zapier, you can design custom workflows that link events in one system to automated tasks in multiple others, ensuring relevant data is always captured.

Why do I recommend this tool?

Certain software tools may not be compatible with each other, either because the developers plan to add integration at a later stage or due to the economic infeasibility of doing so for a rare case. However, with Zapier, you have the ability to create your own integrations.

Language improvement tools

Using language improvement tools can help you become more fluent, articulate, and confident in expressing your ideas and opinions. They can improve your communication skills in both personal and professional contexts.


DeepL is a leading deep learning company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for several language translation products, such as the bilingual dictionary Linguee or one of the world’s best machine translation services DeepL.

Why do I recommend this tool?

I’ve tried to use several tools but have chosen DeepL above others. If you need to quickly translate a large amount of text from your native language to another one and vice versa then DeepL will do it better than other tools.


Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that analyzes your text and provides real-time feedback on your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It also checks for plagiarism and suggests better ways to organize your thoughts. It has the potential to improve your team’s writing quality by providing automated feedback on their work.

Why do I recommend this tool?

Writing a perfect email in English is easy nowadays. Grammarly will highlight your mistakes and suggest improvement in your text.

Are you building a productivity tool or a collaboration tool? We are investing in early-stage revenue-generating software startups across the world and would love to hear from you! You can reach us at info@leta.vc or fill in the form here.



Anton Shardin
Leta Capital

Senior Analyst at Leta Capital — Seed/Series A investor in tech companies. You can reach me on ashardin at leta.vc, https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonshardin/