How to help business grow with AR. DEVAR case.

Alina Gegamova
Leta Capital
Published in
5 min readAug 12, 2021

The augmented reality market is expected to grow from $10.7 billion to $72.7 billion in 5 years by 2024, with a growth rate of 46.6% over these years. Such figures are understandable — AR technology is no longer perceived only as entertainment, and companies are finding new areas of application for augmented reality: security, design, product repair, tourism, employee training, and medicine. And investments in the market, of course, are also on the rise.

How does the integration of augmented reality tools help businesses? Let’s take MyWebAR, a browser-based augmented reality service made by our portfolio company DEVAR, as an example.

Conversion from print products increases

Catalogs, banners, outdoor and indoor advertising are limited by the area of the printed material, the amount of text and illustrations, the time of interaction of a potential consumer with it.

AR technology allows you to create metacontext.

Without wasting time, the user can point his smartphone screen at the QR-code placed on the advertisement and get additional information: animated text and illustrations, video, audio, clips with scripts. All of this engages the consumer and works for conversion rates: for example, Shopify recently showed a 94% higher conversion rate on products advertised with AR or 3D content. Popular U.S. online handbag store eBags recorded a 112% increase in conversion to purchases from mobile devices and 81% from the PC version. What’s more, the return rate dropped when comparing customers who tried the model in AR to those who didn’t.

The wow effect really works and increases both sales and product awareness.

The AR function takes into account the interests of both the business and the consumer. According to the research, more than 90% of Americans use or plan to use AR for shopping, and 98% of them find the technology useful.

A phygital product with AR is created without special skills or additional applications.

The complexity of the process has always been the obstacle to creating phygital content. MyWebAR fixes this problem. It is a cloud-based editor with a ready-made 3D image library and the ability to instantly publish content. With its use, small and medium-sized businesses do not need to install additional applications or hire developers — just add content to the scene, adjust its size and position, select buttons and publish. The service supports all popular formats: GLB, FBX, DAE, OBJ, as well as photo, video, audio, and 3D-models. The service allows you to embed augmented reality products into existing websites along with other content using the “html iframe” tag. The code is automatically generated by the platform.

Professional developers can use PRO Editor to create more functionality and work with materials, textures, shaders, and import custom JavaScript code to unlock the maximum possibilities.

The tool is available both on iOS and Android, and you can work on your computer or directly on your phone. The finished project is automatically assigned a generated QR-code, which can be sent, printed or opened directly in the browser. All you need is a smartphone and the Internet. And computer users will get a branded QR-code that they can scan with their smartphone camera to see the product in AR.

White Label solution

Agencies, studios, 3D designers and content creators can specify a short link on the domain in MyWebAR and work under their brand. After connecting a custom domain, you can access any of the projects by replacing the “” part of the project url with the desired domain name.

MyWebAR allows users to add clickable elements to a scene to trigger certain actions, including going to an external website, playing or pausing videos, playing 3D animations, showing or hiding objects in the scene, and more. And premium rates include unlimited access to the library: about a thousand ready-made models that subscribers can use in their projects.

Cases of using MyWebAR by companies

Here is one of the marketing campaigns—an interactive animation on the air freshener: point the camera and see what flora the fragrance comes from.

What do dinosaurs and chips have in common? More than you can imagine! The QR code on a pack of paprika-flavored snacks will make three tyrannosaurs in a sombrero play Mexican mariachi.

Children’s breakfast can also become interactive! While the child is eating cereal, AR will help him learn the alphabet.

You can also use AR in employee training — an interactive tour of the office with a virtual assistant and a fire evacuation map in augmented reality was prepared by a production company from Brazil.

The museum in Tunisia has prepared animated exhibits in augmented reality with brief information and voice acting.

And augmented reality as a new dimension for a work of art could be seen in galleries in Germany.

AR can be used in school education. Students can make their own projects, for example, reports on animals. Each student can prepare a story on his or her own animal designed in augmented reality.

Personalized business cards, wedding invitations with the bride and groom in AR, greeting cards with augmented reality and much more allow you to make modern technologies.

From year to year, the number of active users of augmented reality will grow significantly. According to the statistics, this year, there will already be about 1.96 billion mobile AR users in the world, and by 2023 their number will increase to 2.4 billion. The potential audience is ready for change. And are you?



Alina Gegamova
Leta Capital

Head of Communications @ LETA Capital, early-stage VC firm