State of Phygital 2022: Diving Deeper Into Case Study

Sergey Toporov
Leta Capital
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2022
State of Phygital 2022

TLDR. You can download report here:

Last year, together with our portfolio Company Devar we decided to share our vision and insights on the rising merge of a few technology directions, such as XR, IoT, Edge Computing etc., into a new paradigm called Phygital. In contrast to the digital-only Metaverse future, Phygital is trying to enhance objects from the real world with digital content and capabilities. It is a trend that has been gaining momentum in recent years and will continue to grow in the coming years.

State of Phygital 2021 vs State of Phygital 2022

In the previous report, we decided to focus on macroeconomic factors of the Phygital economy’s emergence, challenges, and projections. Most of them are still relevant today. We believe that many upcoming events, such as Meta’s Next VR Headset release this October (Meta Cambria, aka Quest Pro), will accelerate the penetration into everyday life. As you may notice after reading any such research, report, or technological predictions, most people are thinking: “Wow, it looks cool, happy to live in the future, but…. How can I implement it in my daily routine?”

That is why this year, in State of the Phygital 2022, we decided to elaborate more on existing use-cases of the Phygital approach. We want to help businesses and people from various industries, from retail to construction and logistics, see what has been done already and let them generate more new cases and brilliant ideas.

Phygital Market Map 2022

Phygital Market Map

We hope you will pay particular attention to page #11 of our report because we tried to prepare an ultimate market map of startups and vendors, involved in the creation of the Phygital world. Please, feel free to reach out if you know more solution providers, we will add them to the list next year.

Call To Action For Everyone Who Has Read To The End

If you are an executive or technologist, please share these ideas with your network. I hope to see millions of cool cases in various industries that have arisen because the creators have seen and realised the potential that comes with the Phygital approach.

If you are an entrepreneur working in the area, don’t hesitate to reach our team and tell us about your business. Feel free to reach anyone from our team or just drop us an email to We review every pitch deck, I promise!

