Lethean — August Update & Progress Report

Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2019



Our development team is still in the process of creating our new GUI wallet. They have been taking their time finalizing the wallet and putting an emphasis on ease of use for the end-user. We are committed to creating a wallet that is simple, easy to use, and visually appealing. We do not have a definitive time-frame for the new GUI release. However, once it becomes available, we will notify the community of the release in a stand-alone article.


Over the last month, our marketing team has been working diligently on finalizing the ambassador program. In addition to covering the upcoming ambassador program, we will be highlighting user-based articles, an event attended by our Russian community manager, and answering the “Ask the Team” questions.

Birake exchange

On July 31 a member of our Discord community, CheeseBaby, notified us that the exchange Birake has added Lethean to their vote based listing system. CheeseBaby let us know that if we do not win a weekly vote, the votes from that week are kept and count towards the following week. CheeseBaby also notified us that if we receive 20K — 25K votes, he will add an additional 20K-30K votes. You can find the voting link by visiting https://trade.birake.com/coin-listing

Ambassador Program

Preparations on the technical, operations and structure side are nearly finished. We will be officially launching the Ambassador campaign within the next two weeks. The Team is excited to see how our ambassador program will increase brand awareness for Lethean. Additionally, we are excited to open up the ambassador program to people in all locations. The goal of the ambassador program is a combination of a strategic referral system to boost brand awareness within multiple regions with a huge VPN demand and need and to create an incentive to spread the word about our developing product.

We are looking for you!

We seek people who are advocates, fans who represent and talk about Lethean to a local audience, likely in their native language.

If you are passionate about Lethean and like what this project is about, then we are sure you can be a very powerful asset, providing crowdsourced ideas and engagement that can amplify brand awareness and boost the overall project within your region.

We especially need potential ambassadors from Russia, Turkey, Germany, South Korea, India but of course other countries are welcome too :-) Stay tuned for a detailed announcement soon!

Lethean at Gathering of system administrators

Our Russian community manager, known as Andy in our Discord server, recently participated in the Gathering of System Administrators in Russia. Andy was able to secure us a banner on the main stage. In addition to the banner, Andy was able to distribute pamphlets with information about Lethean during the gathering. You can see a sample pamphlet here.

If you would like more information about the conference, you can visit their website located here: https://itslet.su/

We are very thankful for Andy setting up our attendance at this conference, and we are happy that we were able to reach the broad range of people that attended.


In early July Jacob wrote and published an article about Lethean on Publish0x. The article written by Jacob provides the reader with a spectacular summary of our project, and it’s utility. If you have been a community member of Lethean since the beginning, or if you are a new community member with us, we strongly encourage you to read this article. You can find a link to the article below.


Notable twitter mentions

In mid July, we had a social influencer discussing our project on Twitter. @cryptomocho made a few mentions of our project, one of which you can see below.

We are excited to again be receiving attention from social influencers, and we are hopeful that this is just one small step in increasing our brand awareness. With the increase in awareness brought by the @cryptomocho, we also saw an increase in visits to our website, which on the day of the tweet had an increase in referral traffic of approximately 200% and an approximate increase of 700% for social media referrals over the previous day.

Feedback Surveys

Within the next month, we will be distributing feedback surveys for both tenured and new community members. The goal of these surveys will be to review our current product and see where we can improve. We intend to send these surveys out after launching our ambassador and referral program.

Ask the Team Discord questions

Q: “Hey guys, new to the discord here, just wondering if y’all have any plans on integrating the Exit Node into the GUI wallet or something in the future.”

A: The answer to this question is a little more nuanced than just a yes or no. We would like to make exit node creation as simple as possible. However, we cannot definitively say that it will be located directly in the wallet. We love the idea of being able to do that. However, at this time, we cannot say that it will occur.

Q: “is there any news from honeypod, they will ship their device in Jul, right?”

A: We reached out to HoneyPod via email this past month, and we have yet to hear a response from them. If we receive a response, we will let you know.




Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution. https://lethean.io/